Mar 15, 2023
Santiago Pinto discusses his research on commuting patterns in the Fifth District and how these patterns may help us better understand the economic connections between rural and urban communities. Pinto is a senior economist and policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
Full transcript and related links:
Mar 8, 2023
Robert Hetzel reviews the evolution of monetary policymaking through the lens of his new book, The Federal Reserve: A New History. In part two of this two-part discussion, he focuses on the Fed's policies during the Great Inflation and the Great Moderation and after the Great Recession, as well as the role of the...
Mar 8, 2023
Robert Hetzel looks at the evolution of monetary policymaking through the lens of his new book, The Federal Reserve: A New History. In part one of this two-part conversation, he discusses the Fed's policy shifts in the two decades following the Treasury-Fed Accord of 1951 and the role of the Federal Reserve Bank of...
Mar 1, 2023
Greta Harris and Jim Tobin offer their perspectives on the housing market, from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent increases in mortgage rates to the continuing challenge of building affordable housing. Harris is president and CEO of the Better Housing Coalition and Tobin is executive vice president...